Feb 6, 20184 min read
Confessions From The Hairdresser's Daughter: My Hair Secrets + Tips
It's definitely not a secret that my mom owns a hair salon... I know this because instead of googling the salon's phone number or...

Jan 31, 20182 min read
#NICTIPS: The BEST Places To Buy Bikinis UNDER $50
Most of you, from what I read, are still very upset that Victoria's Secret discontinued their swimwear line; that was never the case for...

Jan 23, 20183 min read
What Is My Leadership Role In My Sorority? True Life: I'm The Recruitment Chair
All I have to say is: Wake me up when it is Bid Day. People outside of Greek Life or people who never went away to school usually judge...

Jan 19, 20183 min read
How To Do NYC With Your Man (or BFF) More Than Once A Year
There's only two types In people in the world: Those who love NYC (Type A) and those who don't love NYC (Type B). I'm type A; I LOVE it....

Jan 18, 20182 min read
My Advice: This is REALLY How To Drink Around The World In Disney
So, If you're anything like me, you totally wanted (or want) nothing more than to drink around the world in Disney World's Epcot on your...